In search of the Good and of the Evil
(too old to reply)
2008-07-05 16:54:40 UTC
We should think that God, who has given us Jesus Christ in order to
save us through Him, has nothing to do with the Evil.
God gave the life to the angel, who later rebelled against God
Himself, even if He got knowledge of the angel’s rebellion, because,
otherwise, it would be like to hide the hand within the sleeve.
These considerations, being already read by thousands of people all
over the world, will provide to solve a lot of doubts.

Web site : http://digilander.libero.it/antoniobragadin/research.htm
Email : ***@alice.it
2008-07-12 02:11:47 UTC
it's sad , as much as you think understand ....... it's sad that you
don't fully realize that GOD is everywhere , in everything ,
at all times.

if you understood this you wouldn't be here blowing out such crap .
if you understood this , you would understand there is no need !

think about it . here you are professing and yet are utterly ignorant
.......... it's worse than the blind trying to lead the blind . it's
worse . it's hyprocicy !!

do you " believe " that god is more present in that church on the
corner and less present in that bordello down town ........ do you
" believe " that god is more or less present in your head than other
people that don't agree with you ? or perhaps in people that profess
love for evil ? .......... the trouble is that you don't understand
at all, " everything " you do proclaims your ignorance for all the
world to see. you need to try to clear away your ignorance and lack
of understanding before you get in public places and make such a FOOL
of yourself, friend. even good intentions , littered with such
hyprocicy , won't get you to heaven.
Post by a***@libero.it
We should think that God, who has given us Jesus Christ in order to
save us through Him, has nothing to do with the Evil.
God gave the life to the angel, who later rebelled against God
Himself, even if He got knowledge of the angel’s rebellion, because,
otherwise, it would be like to hide the hand within the sleeve.
These considerations, being already read by thousands of people all
over the world, will provide to solve a lot of doubts.
Web site : http://digilander.libero.it/antoniobragadin/research.htm
2011-06-19 04:45:29 UTC
Post by unknown
it's sad , as much as you think understand ....... it's sad
that you don't fully realize that GOD is everywhere , in
everything , at all times.
if you understood this you wouldn't be here blowing out
such crap . if you understood this , you would understand
there is no need !
think about it . here you are professing and yet are
utterly ignorant .......... it's worse than the blind
trying to lead the blind . it's worse . it's hyprocicy !!
do you " believe " that god is more present in that church
on the corner and less present in that bordello down town
........ do you " believe " that god is more or less
present in your head than other people that don't agree
with you ? or perhaps in people that profess love for evil
? .......... the trouble is that you don't understand at
all, " everything " you do proclaims your ignorance for
all the world to see. you need to try to clear away your
ignorance and lack of understanding before you get in
public places and make such a FOOL of yourself, friend.
even good intentions , littered with such hyprocicy ,
won't get you to heaven.
On Sat, 5 Jul 2008 09:54:40 -0700 (PDT),
We should think that God,---snipped by vomit remover------
The real evidence of the fowled life of a scripture follower
is they genderised God and gave him a DICK!!!
When did the power of the universe morph into a human and grow
a dick?
When did "IT" become a He?

This 2000 year old cartoon characture mental hoax is getting
on my nerves and the opiet addicted morons they call saints
knew no more about this stuff then you or I.
The so called GOD I beleive in does not know how to read/write
or speak english, so much for the word of God There aren't
any. These born again morons lurk in here just to spew
retoric and recrute and idealism and thats all organised
religion will ever be. Scripture in it'self is an evil foisted
on man/women kind. Written by opiet addicts / hippies called
Saints. Not all of them where trash, Like Saint Thomas for
instance but they left him out of the bible and for obvious

2011-06-19 04:34:27 UTC
Post by a***@libero.it
We should think that God, who has given us Jesus Christ in
order to save us through Him, has nothing to do with the
Evil. God gave the life to the angel, who later rebelled
against God Himself, even if He got knowledge of the
angel’s rebellion, because, otherwise, it would be like to
hide the hand within the sleeve. These considerations,
being already read by thousands of people all over the
world, will provide to solve a lot of doubts.
Another victom of the 2000 year old mental disease.